Today has been the day of the (in)famous Naked Mile—a TDA tradition, the origins of which no one seems to know.
“No way, I’m not going to participate”, I’d said over the past weeks, and even just yesterday evening.
This morning, I’ve changed my mind. Would I regret it if I don’t? I didn’t want to risk regrets. It was now or never.
So I joined the brave girls and women who dared to get naked. What an event—proud to be part of our spectacular photo!

Do you like it? Closer-up shots available for private viewings only. 😉
Stage 75: Solitaire – Sesriem (Namibia), 83km
Road & traffic condition:
Same as yesterday—partly smooth, partly bad corrugation.

Warm in the morning, hot in the afternoon. The air is becoming noticeably drier. Our laundry even dries again overnight. Finally, the days of damp clothes seem to have passed!
Culinary highlights:
The most luxurious dinner I’ve had so far on this tour at Sossusvlei Lodge—buffet including lots of salads, a cheese selection, garlic snails, prawn & squid tempura, and a wide selection of game and non-game meats.

Group highlights:
Naked Mile—though I think less than half of us actually got naked. Special mention though of Charles and Mark who not only got naked, but completed the entire time trail of 30km without clothes! Apparently, they have been quite a sensation for the passing tourist vehicles. Well done! 😉
Personal highlights:
- Naked Mile
Me riding naked—who would ever have thought so?! - Time Trial: I didn’t plan to race, but having dared to get naked and step outside of my comfort zone gave me such a boost of confidence that I went flying over the dirt road like never before (relatively speaking, for my own standards).
Me pushing my limits during our time trial (thanks Peter III for the photo!) - Dinner: I couldn’t believe my eyes when—after more than three months dreaming of it—I finally got my cheese platter! What a great evening!
Luxurious dinner as Sossusvlei Lodge
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