Muzz had organized a buffet dinner for our group at our lodge tonight. That’s usually the easier solution, because no kitchen in Africa can handle 30+ hungry riders putting in their individual orders.

As desert, Muzz had organized a special surprise for me: The waiters brought three beautiful birthday cakes, Liz stuck a Happy Birthday crown onto my head, and colorful balloons were falling from the sky—all accompanied by 40+ voices singing “happy birthday”.

I sugar-overdosed that night, but it was delicious! When I went back to my room, I found balloons everywhere. What a special surprise!

Many, many thanks to Muzz for organizing this surprise for me!!! Many thanks to Judith for cutting the cakes, to Rupert for handing out cake to everyone, to Liz for the crown, as well as to everyone else who was involved in the organization; and many thanks to our entire group for being there and celebrating with me!!!
“Alex,” Judith and Mike would remind me later, ” from now onwards, you have to promise us you will celebrate every single birthday!”
Stage: Rest day at Lake Bunyonyi (Uganda)
Lake Bunyonyi is said to be the second deepest lake in Africa, after Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania. It’s deepest point is rumoured to be 900 meters below the surface (though this hasn’t been scientifically verified). Due to its depth and lack of shallow waters, there’s hardly any fish or other animals living in the lake. Amongst its rare exceptions, crayfish are a local specialty.
Overcast, partly sunny.
Culinary highlights:
Buffet dinner and birthday cakes.
Group highlights:
I joined a relaxing boat trip on lake Bunyonyi that Muzz had organized (thanks Muzz!). Shame on me—I was asleep for most of it as I struggled to keep my eyes open!

Personal highlights:
Other than the surprise late birthday celebration at night, I’ve enjoyed simply chilling and relaxing at our nice campsite, the Bunyonyi Overland Camp, for most of the day.

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